Mobirise provides you with all the necessary tools and functions for creating your own site for free. Once you download Mobirise web page design software, you can build as many sites as you wish. Free Download Manager is a good download manager which can also be used to download website, and website content. It is quite simple to use so you do not have to worry about how to download a website. In order to use the site download feature: Browse to the HTML Spider tab, and click on the download website. Why you should use it: Data Scraping Studio is a free web scraping tool to harvest data from web pages, HTML, XML, and pdf. The desktop client is currently available for Windows only. Easy Web Extract. Who is this for: Businesses with limited data needs, marketers, and researchers who lack programming skills. 8b Simple Website Builder is free for both commercial and non-profit use. Sign up to get a free access to all themes and user-friendly website editor to create something unique and beautiful without spending a single dollar.
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Are you looking for a web editor to createor design a website? This page lists free HTML editors, Web editors,WYSIWYG (ie, 'What You See Is What You Get')editors, web site builders, as well as specialized editors optimized for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)or even the numerous web scripting languages such as PHP, Perl, Java, JavaScript, ASP, etc.
The editors are separated into two sections: the WYSIWYG Web Editors / Site Buildersallow you to design your website using a What You See Is What You Get interface — somewhat like a wordprocessorwhere you can see what your page will look like (mostly) as you type; andSiteBuilders that allow you to design your site from pre-packaged templates. If you don't knowwhat HTML, CSS, JavaScript,PHP or Perl are, this may be what you're looking for, since the software will give you a visual interface thatyou can use to develop your site.
The other section lists the Free HTML Editorswhich are basically ASCII text editors with additional features that make it easier for youto code pages for the web. Very often, this includes syntax highlighting for the HTML/CSS elements(and perhaps also for PHP, Perl, JavaScript, ASP, Java elements as well). If you write your pages using 'raw' HTML,or if you plan to learnHTML, these are the editors you will want to check. You may also want to look at theFree Programming Editors and ASCII Text Editors page, which lists moreeditors that can be used to edit / create HTML web pages. My decision of whether to put an editor on that page orthis page is sometimes arbitrary, so it's best to look at both pages to see if you can find what you want there.
Finally, if you're completely new to creating websites, I strongly recommend that you readHow to Create / Start a Website:The Beginner's A-Z Guide. There's a lot more to making a site than using a web editor, and this articleshows you how to do it in plain English.
Related Pages
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- Free Fonts for Programmers, Webmasters and Designers - get a good font for your editor
Skip to: [ Free HTML Editors ] [ Free WYSIWYG Web Editors and Site Builders ]
Free WYSIWYG Web Editors and Website Builders
BlueGriffon is a WYSIWYG web editor created by the author of the Nvu web editor software (as well as the bulk ofthe latter's derivative, KompoZer 0.7.10). Since it uses the modern Firefox web rendering engine, it is able to handlemodern HTMLand CSS code correctly unlike the older Nvu and KompoZer 0.7.10 software, allowingyou to use such code and see the results displayed accurately in the editor. Besides support for HTML 4, HTML 5, XHTML 1,CSS 3, it also supports SVG, and MathML. The editor has a plug-in architecture so you may also be able to findadd-ins that extend the functionality of the program. Languages supported include English, German, French, Czech,Dutch, Finnish, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, both Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Slovenian, Polishand Swedish (and possibly others by the time you read this). The program runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Itis open source. You can find a free onlineBlueGriffon Tutorialon
[Update: Microsoft Expression Web 4 is no longer available from Microsoft's site(at
). Use the link aboveto get it from the Internet Archive's copy of the April 2019 download page.]
The formerly commercial Microsoft Expression Web 4 is now available for free. This is a fully-featured web editor,possibly one of the best free web editors around.Besides letting you create websitesusing a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) visual interface, you can also code directly in HTML and CSS, as well as use PHP,JavaScript, ASP.NET and ASP.NET AJAX from within the editor. Note though that this software has been discontinued, and you aregetting the final version of the program. There will be no future versions. Bad apple wav download. And before you ask, even though the downloadablefile has a filename like 'Web_Trial_en.exe', it's actually the full version, and not a trial or demo as its name suggests. Youcan find out how to design a site using this editor with the free onlineExpression Web Tutorial.
Web Page Upload software, free download 64-bit
Seamonkey, the web browser suite from Mozilla, comes with a WYSIWYG web editor that allows you to quickly codeweb pages using a wordprocessor-like interface. For more information, please read thedetailedreview of the Mozilla Composer You can also finda comprehensive tutorial onHowto Design and Publish Your Website with Mozilla Composer there.
Free Web Page Creator
This WYSIWYG web editor and site builder features drag and drop website layouts, site management tools, a built-inFTP facility topublish (upload) your web pages,a photo gallery, a form builder, rollover images,support for Flash and Quicktime, an e-commerce tool, etc. A free online tutorial for a slightly different (commercial) versionof the software, NetObjectsFusion 11 Tutorial can be found on
Trellian WebPAGE is a free WYSIWYG web editor with a drag and drop interface, a previewscreen that allows you to see your page under three common screen widths (640, 800 and1024), built-in FTP uploader, table creation wizard, form creation tool, etc. It alsohas a syntax highlighting HTML editor for people who may want to switch to the HTML modefor some fine tuning.
[Update: this editor appears to be abandoned, with its last version releasedon 18 January 2012.]Amaya is an open source browser and WYSIWYG web authoring environment that purports to allowits users to develop web pages without knowing anything about HTML or CSS. You can create yourpages and view them using this software. It supports CSS, HTML, XHTML, MathML 2.0 (which allows you to browse and write web pages containingmathematical symbols), etc. There are versions for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. A moredetailed review of this editor can be found in the article:Review of Amaya: W3C's Free WYSIWYG Web Authoring Environment.
[Update: KompoZer has been discontinued, and the official site for this editor appears tohave closed.]KompoZer is a WYSIWYG web editor that allows you to build websites in an easy way, using a visual interface.KompoZer 0.7.10 (the currently released version at the time I write this) is essentially an updated version of Nvuwith bug fixes. You can learn how to create a website using KompoZer with's tutorialHow to Design andPublish Your Website with KompoZer.
[Update: Nvu has been discontinued. The author of the software has moved on to developBlueGriffon, whichis also a free web editor. Beware of scam sites pretending to be the Nvu website and askingfor donations for continued development. As mentioned, the real author is no longer working on Nvu but onBlueGriffon.]
Nvu is a WYSIWYG editor that is designed to make the creation of web sites as easy for novices as it isusing commercial web editors likeDreamWeaver.It is based on the Mozilla Composer web editor (see elsewhere on this page) and includes new features that will eventuallymake its way back into Mozilla Composer. This open source editor is available for Linux and Windows. You can find a tutorial onHow to Design and Publish Your Website with Nvu There is also a longer review of Nvu available.
Free HTML Editors / ASCII Text Web Editors
HAPedit is useful for people who develop both dynamic and static web pages. It providessyntax highlighting for HTML, ASP, PHP, JavaScript; provides a project manager; featurescode completion, an SQL console, FTP manager, PHP code 'compilation', integrated PHP help,brace matching, search and replace with regular expressions, statistics on your page(ie, rendered size, images, links, etc), and so on. This is a Windows program.
This is the freeware sibling of the commercial Standard and Pro versions. It is a generaltext editor that has lots of features, including a useful 'Clipbook' facility that hasnumerous HTML editing conveniences. Its commercial cousin Notepad Pro comes withsyntax highlighting. (Note: to get the free version, go to the 'Download' page and look for 'Notetab Light'.)
This editor comes with built-in FTP facility, making it possible for you to author yourweb page and publish it without leaving the editor. It has a spell-checker, aninternal browser view mode that is able to show your HTML changes as you type,a global search and replace facility across all open documents, built-in tutorial on HTML,JavaScript, frames; etc. There are apparently two versions available - the older one runson Windows systems, the newer one is written in Java and is apparently cross-platform.
PSPad is a full featured text editor that you can use to edit HTML, PHP, Perl, JavaScript, C, etc. It even hasbuilt-in facilities allowing you to edit binary files. There is project support, the ability to directly editfiles via FTP on your server, a macro recorder, search and replace in files, text comparison (differences betweentwo files with the differences highlighted in colour), syntax highlighting, spell checking, internal HTML previewusing IE and Mozilla, integrated HTML TIDY (forvalidating HTML code and fixing them),code explorer for Pascal, HTML, PHP, XML (etc), matched bracket highlighting, etc.
Notepad++ is a source code text editor with syntax highlighting (C, C++, Java, C#, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, ASP, SQL, Objective-C, etc),multiple document handling using tabs, auto-completion of keywords (customizable), regular expressions in the search and replacefunction, macro recording and playback, brace and indent highlighting, collapsing and expanding of sections of code (to zoom in and out ofpieces of code such as to provide an outline overview of your text/code), etc.
Quanta Plus is a Linux HTML editor for KDE. It contains an assortment of features such assyntax highlighting, easy configuration of toolbars, site uploading facility, the abilityto update a site from CVS (with a plugin), document structure tree, etc.
From the announcement by one of their development team: 'Bluefish is aprogrammer's HTML editor, designed to save the experienced webmastersome keystrokes. It features a multiple file editor, multiple toolbars,custom menus, image and thumbnail dialogs, open from the web, CSS dialogs, PHP, SSI andRXML support, HTML validation and lots of wizards.' I've seen a lot of good things saidabout this editor by other webmasters. Bluefish runs on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris,Tru64/Alpha, NetBSD, OpenBSD, HP-UX and Mac OSX.
This is a free code editor with syntax highlighting support for PHP, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It has support for autocompletion of HTML tags,attributes and closing tags; an HTML code inspector; a CSS autocomplete facility supporting style property names and values; JavaScript autocompletethat supports keywords, DOM elements and properties; PHP autocomplete that support standard PHP and user's classes, variables, functions, constants,keywords, etc; a PHP debugger; SQL autocomplete; context sensitive help; class view; browser preview; project manager; and so on. This isa Windows program.
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